Lurkersby Lee Noble
Sep 14 – Oct 26, 2023
Lurkers is ridden with copies, sequels, and duplicates. Noble engages in a kind of reclamation, using a scavenger’s eye to unearth and reanimate lost missives and forgotten meanings. Images are cropped and enlarged, scissored from magazines, digitized, and then painted by hand, sculpted and slip cast again and again, and presented together without comment in varying states of readability. In the painting Titlecard (2023), the phrase ‘Phantasm II’ is rendered in yellow seriffed letters on an ocean of abysmal blue. Copied by hand from a downloaded image of the title screen to a sequel of a movie neither lauded nor much remembered, the text is emptied of reference, and employing the vast gulf of nagging remembrance, becomes a mantra – a space for thoughtful reflection. In Noble’s practice, the oft-asked question ‘where is that from?’ offers a meditative respite from an overly cluttered, endlessly self-referential world.
Lee Noble