
Pas De Deux
by Kim Benson, Moyra Davey, Justine Di Fiore, David Goldes, Jay Heikes, Pao Houa Her, Alexa Horochowski, Ruben Nusz, JoAnn Verburg

June 26 – August 10, 2024

"Every artist works relentlessly to shed the irresistible references of their idols, some more than others, but those influences never truly go away. They are ghosts that forever haunt the artist and without constant exorcisms they become too seductive to ignore, usually grabbing hold every once-in-a-while for a Faustian pas de deux - a bargain that is a simple one; material pleasures over spiritual ones, resulting in a derivative, didactic conduit instead of an original, abstract belief system. But maybe originality is overrated or a flat out myth..." (Jay Heikes)

With references to Giotto, Michelangelo, Morandi, and Paul Thek, among others, the artists in Dreamsong’s summer group show explore what it means to appropriate another artist’s work, either directly or slyly, wholesale or in part, and how distinctions between homage, facsimile, commentary, subversion, and criticism bend and shift, allowing the past to be ceaselessly reread in the present.

Justine Di Fiore, Undergrowth, 2024. Oil on Canvas (Diptych). 30 x 53½ in.