
Screening + Live Music

Wander Lines

5/5/2024, 7PM

Join us in Dreamsong’s Cinema for an evening of silent films and live music organized by Andy Graydon. A selection of films by Sara Pajunen, Sabrina Gschwandtner, and Andy Graydon work as moving-image scores that guide trios of musicians, featuring Sara Pajunen, Gabriel Saloman, Luke Martin, and a special guest appearance in improvisational performances.

Still from "Screen Credit," 2020 by Sabrina Gschwandtner. 3-channel 4K video, color, silent, 7:30 minutes (loops).


Still from "Screen Credit," 2020 by Sabrina Gschwandtner. 3-channel 4K video, color, silent, 7:30 minutes (loops).

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Opening Reception

Evaporated Hours

3/22, 5:30–7:30PM