

Black Dreams & Black Time

6/9/2023, 7PM

Black feminist performance artist Gabrielle Civil presents a selection of video work from across her two decade career. Taking its title from her latest performance memoir the déjà vu: black dreams & black time (Coffee House Press, 2022), this screening will include videoperformances, performance documentation, and live art action. Civil will flashback to her Twin Cities collaborations with artists Miré Regulus, Ellen Marie Hinchcliffe, Sayge Carroll, Moe Lionel, Rosamond S. King, and more. Civil will also preview Pilgrimage, her durational live performance premiering at Franconia Sculpture Park later in June. This event will close with a brief talkback and reception.

Photo by Sayge Carroll (detail). [A Black woman standing in front of a microphone appears in triplicate. She is surrounded by blackness and most of her lower body is in shadow. Really only her head, neck, chest and shoulders seem clear. She is medium brown and her natural hair is in thick twists. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open. She is wearing a pale blue dress with a heart shaped neckline and matching jacket. A small pool of light blue fabric appears at her bottom left.]

Photo: Sayge Carroll. [A Black woman standing in front of a microphone appears in triplicate. She is surrounded by blackness and most of her lower body is in shadow. Really only her head, neck, chest and shoulders seem clear. She is medium brown and her natural hair is in thick twists. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open. She is wearing a pale blue dress with a heart shaped neckline and matching jacket. A small pool of light blue fabric appears at her bottom left.]

Photo: Sayge Carroll. [A Black woman standing in front of a microphone appears in triplicate. She is surrounded by blackness and most of her lower body is in shadow. Really only her head, neck, chest and shoulders seem clear. She is medium brown and her natural hair is in thick twists. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open. She is wearing a pale blue dress with a heart shaped neckline and matching jacket. A small pool of light blue fabric appears at her bottom left.]

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10/19, 1PM

Panel Discussion

Collecting Art

10/19, 2PM

Opening Reception

Touch Detection

11/2, 6–8PM

Art Fair

Frieze LA 2025

Feb 20 – 23, 2025